Recent volunteer Opportunities

Acequia Cleaning and Bank Restoration at Rael Ranch

March 7- April 8, 2022

The Rael Ranch is a historic ranch along the Santa Fe River near La Cienega with a 1890s adobe ranch house and a 310+ year old acequia. The property is currently owned by the Bureau of Land Management.

Once a working ranch and farm owned by the Rael family, there is an irrigated field, fruit trees, corrals, and a 1890s adobe ranch house. Cornerstones is continuing efforts to clean and maintain the acequia for a fourth irrigation season. With only two parciantes, the 1.5 mile ditch needs to be cleaned every year.

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All final scheduling and details about the location will need to go through Issac Logsdon (


Organ Pipe: Dos Lomitas Ranch House

February 14 - 25, 2022

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is in Southern Arizona in the Sonoran Desert. The park is along the Mexico-United States border and is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Cornerstones is working on several projects in the Monument, including the preservation of a 1920 adobe ranch house called Dos Lomitas Ranch House.

Dos Lomitas Ranch House (also called Blankenship Ranch House) is a 1920 adobe building that is representative of Sonoran vernacular architecture. It is a single story adobe building with exposed beams, saguaro rib latillas, and mud plaster walls. There was once a mesquite post and saguaro rib ramada surrounding the house.

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For additional information, email or call 505.982.9521 x 100.