Cornerstones Videos

A complete library of our videos, ranging from documentaries to talks to visual demonstrations of building techniques can be found on our youtube page:


Model Adobe Home Solar Project

This short video encapsulates the work being done to build a model adobe solar home, both passive and active, on the grounds of Luna Community College to use as a demonstration home. Work commenced in early September 2024 and the first module ended November 23 with the next module to start in the Spring 2025. For more information please contact Cornerstones Community Partnerships at

An Introduction To Cornerstones

This short documentary shot in fall of 2021 features former Executive Director Tracey Enright and Jake Barrow introduced Cornerstones to the attendees of TERRA 2022. It is a great introduction to our work.

Rael Ranch Acequia Opening

This short video captures some of our work at one of our favorite places in Greater Santa Fe. Rael Ranch is an over 300-year-old ranch that has been in continuous use, maintaining local farmer practices and culture.

Organ Pipe

This video captures some of our work in the National Park Systems. This highlight reel shows some of the skills and work experience offered through our field work projects.

Horno Building

This commonly requested video demonstrates planning and carrying out of horno building over 30 minutes. It is useful for learning to build with adobe overall, but also for this particular kind of project. Enjoy!


Angela Francis demonstrates techniques to install and coat an earthen floor, one of our more demonstrative videos, more of which can be found on our Youtube page.

TICRat 2022

In June of 2022, Cornerstones help organize and host TICRAT 2022: Abiquiu, a 3-day international workshop on adobe building. This film by Barb Odell captures interviews with attendees, community members, and instructors.

San Miguel Chapel

This documentary highlights our work at the oldest chapel in the country, located here in Santa Fe. We have worked to preserve San Miguel for over a decade, restoring it to more traditional aesthetics and helping to keep it a lively cultural center.

Joshua Tree

We participated in a Seminario Internacional de Conservación y Restauración de Arquitectura de Tierra at Joshua Tree. This 8-minute video show interviews discussing building techniques.

Adobe making in chimayo

This more fun video shows our efforts to involve youth in our ongoing project at Plaza Del Cerro. Volunteers are a huge part of our efforts, and we are grateful to be involved in restoring an ancient plaza where people have lived for over 300 years.