The Pueblo of Cochiti
The Solar Initiative, in partnership with New Energy Economy, has provided funding for a second project, the solarization of the Keres Children’s Learning Center of the Pueblo of Cochiti. Children of the Pueblo receive 50% of their instruction in their native language (Keres) and 50% in English. By teaching the language, the Pueblo is passing on its history, values, beliefs and a worldview. Incorporated in the second program are two scholarships for Pueblo members to learn and train in solar installation.
The Pueblo of Nambe
A grant was made in partnership with Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative to install PV-on-a-Pole at two homes on the Pueblo, serviced and selected by the Coop .Cost savings and the opportunity to promote the benefits of solar energy on the Pueblo were the incentives for the project.
Zuni Veterinary Clinic
Funds were awarded to solarize the newly constructed, self-sustainable Zuni Veterinary Clinic.This will be a year-round fully functional clinic to take care of and reduce the number of stray animals and eliminate diseases through vaccines.This Earthship will drastically reduce utility bills, provide natural heating, cooling, water and electricity and act as a showcase for off-the-grid buildings. The grant was made in partnership with Biotecture Planet Earth, Inc.
The Zuni Veterinary Clinic Under Construction