We are pleased to announce that work at Casita Desiderio y Pablita Ortega is starting up soon! The first task is removing tree roots and focused limited demolition to recover as much historic fabric as possible when roots come out. Adobe will be saved for reuse.
Project permit and signage.
In January, Cornerstones returned to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument for continued work on the Dos Lomitas Ranch House. The Cornerstones team and two volunteers, Chae Perez and Jose Dominguez, focused on assessing the structural viability of 103 year old adobe walls and repairing them with traditional adobes made by Cornerstones and Arizona Conservation Corps last November.
The west wall of the Ranch House was extremely vulnerable due to burrowing rodents and basal erosion from moisture issues–both worsened by the cement stucco. The team constructed temporary shoring to support the roof load and upper portion of the wall while the incompatible stucco was cut and removed in sections. Damaged adobes were carefully removed and replaced with new ones. Cornerstones will continue to work with the National Park Service to fully stabilize the structure and make it safe for visitors to the Park.
The team. Back row from L to R: Kateri, Issac, Whitney, Ruben, Chae. Front row from L to R: José, Lea, Caroline.
Cornerstones volunteers, José and Chae, dry-packing upper mortar gaps in the reconstructed corner of the building.
West wall showing basal voids supported by shims and blocking. Shoring was installed where the wall was most vulnerable.
After two years away, Jean Bowley is out of retirement and back at Cornerstones. At 96, retirement simply didn't suit her style. Jean's connection with Cornerstones spans more than twenty-five years, beginning as a volunteer in the early days of our office operations. We are grateful for her lasting contributions and many years of service at Cornerstones. Jean will celebrate her 96th birthday this month. Happy Birthday, Jean! We are glad to have you back!
Jean Bowley, 96.