San Agustin, Los Valles de San Agustin, New Mexico

Angela Frances, mud-plastering the exterior of San Agustin Church

San Agustin Los Valles de San Agustin, NM.

Mud-plastering got underway on San Agustin church on Wednesday, September 3rd. Project lead, Don Sena, worked up a good design mix. The community provided the dirt for plaster from a local source. The team set scaffolding on the façade and began work. Severe deterioration required two coats on the stone and mud walls. Angela Frances, Stephen Calles (Alexandra Ward Fellowship interns) and intern Isaac Logsdon joined Don on the job. Peter Bergent, of the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, joined the team for 4 days to learn about adobe plastering including materials, methods, tools and quantities and techniques of mud plastering. He also picked up skills for making adobes and wall construction. A close bond was formed between Peter and the team. Volunteers Rebecca Montoya, Jeff Hargis and Margaret Gorman helped one day. Rebecca has provided many hours in planning the project which was funded by New Mexico Profundo with a grant from the Thaw Family Trust. Many thanks to Peter, Rebecca, Margaret, Jeff and New Mexico Profundo.  Work is expected to extend into the week of Sept. 16.
Stephen Calles mixing, Isaac Logsdon mudding, Interns and a volunteer
Join us for Cornerstones' Solar Fundraiser, Fiesta del Sol Fundraiser at the Santa Fe Farmer's Market Pavilion, October 25, 2019. For details and tickets visit: