In Celebration of Women's History Month
Joan Brooks Baker, a Santa Fe-local, award-winning memoirist and a member of our Advisory Council, took a recent trip to Abiquiu, New Mexico, and wrote about the Women's Morada there.
In honor of Women's History Month, Joan interviewed Theresa Jaramillo. Joan writes, "I had heard that the Abiquiu women had taken over the MoqueMorada. If this was true, I wanted to understand the new role of women. 'Are women now included in the Brotherhood, in some way?' I asked Theresa."
Above photos by Joan Brooks Baker
Cornerstones is Hiring
We are hiring! Cornerstones is seeking a motivated and detailed-oriented Development Manager to manage and advance a fundraising program that encompasses individual, foundation, corporate, and government income sources. This is a full-time position that reports to the Executive Director.
A full description of the job and instructions for applying is available at: