by Joaquin Martinez
Scope and Sequence
Through years of experience, I have found that 7th graders can make historical connections very easily if they are given the opportunity to explore a creative risk. While these lessons are ultimately about adobe and how to make it, we are also working towards creating a long term memory. This will foster a connection and love of the history and culture behind adobe, along with a willingness to protect this art and science.
As we move through the lessons below, it’s so important to also take your own creative risk. While we provide examples of how this has been done in an ideal environment, you may find yourself with the opportunity of having to come up with fantastic solutions while transforming your environment into an ideal environment for you and your students.
I have very purposely kept the lessons as straightforward and simple as possible. I have not bothered with pedagogical vocabulary or pedantry. You are a professional educator and these lessons are designed to serve as a guide to foster your own creativity and love of adobe and all things New Mexico
Here is the order that these lessons follow:
Create a character from NM History
Design and draw your blueprints for an adobe home
Mix the adobe and make the bricks
Build your home
Time to Present!
Download the Curriculum in PDF! (click photo)